We generally require 18 hours notice of cancellation before the time of your booking.
We reserve the flight instructor’s time and the aircraft for the duration of your booking, so please give at least 18 hours notice before cancelling your booking to allow others time to take your slot.
If the flight experience is cancelled by the customer with less than 18 hours notice, Cabaero Aviation reserves the right to charge the customer in full for the scheduled duration of the booking. This includes flight experience vouchers, which will be considered complete and non-eligible for re-booking. This is at the discretion of the Chief Flight Instructor, so please get in touch as soon as you are aware that you need to cancel.
If the booking is cancelled by Cabaero Aviation due to weather or for reasons out of the customer’s control, no charge will be made and your instructor will be in touch to organise a suitable alternative time. Voucher bookings will be honoured in full if rebooked within 12 months of the cancellation date.
For current students, your booking can be managed at any time via your account on the booking system. Please leave a reason for your cancellation so your instructor can follow-up with you if necessary and help to arrange a new time.
For voucher bookings, please contact us on 01604 385130 or email us via info@cabaeroaviation.com with your voucher reference. Our instructors are often out flying during the day, so please leave a voicemail if there is no answer.
Cabaero Aviation Ltd
Sywell Aerodrome
Brooklands Gate
We have moved to Sywell Aerodrome. All flying experiences and flight training will now be conducted from our new base.
Our new contact number is 01604 385130.
Our new address can be found on our contact page.
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